
One Room Challenge Week 6: The Messy Middle


We are officially back in the swing of the ORC over here, after missing a week to take our oldest to the beach for a birthday celebration — which was well worth the pressure I’m feeling now 😅. I’m knocking things off the list one “quiet time” at a time, including:

  • moving the new cabinets into the room

  • actually installing the cabinets (i.e. shimming, leveling, clamping, anchoring, etc.)

  • priming the cabinet boxes, doors, and drawers

  • cutting and dry-fitting the first half of the countertop into place — ok, this one was my husband

  • finally getting a coat of paint on the walls, the fun part 🥳

I’m not 100% sure on the color, but I never am after one coat. I’m trying hard to reserve judgement on it until it’s fully painted and dried and in the daylight, but so far it’s reading a touch warmer than the swatch, so… fingers crossed. Repeating a mantra of *I will not panic-buy a new gallon of paint* while I rinse out brushes tonight. I’m feeling extra thankful for all of my new Handy Paint Pail gear though — if I do have to repaint, it’ll be a breeze. I’m only one coat in and I can already tell how much time I’m saving on painting and cleanup just by having the right products!


There are just T W O weeks left in the challenge, and I still need to:

  • finish painting the walls

  • install the toe kick on the cabinets

  • paint the cabinets and trim

  • hang some shelves

  • buy the fridge

  • get hardware for the cabinets

  • and decorate!

So, if anyone has any advice for getting work done with two very cute, very unhelpful toddlers around, now is the time to share 🙃